Our Clients

Wholesale Services

(1) Regulators and (2) Investors who seek to improve and complement the global visibility and credibility of national compliance inspection and rating regimes for external auditors and corporate governance by endorsement of GQR as a valued source of inspection and rating.

  1. Regulators serving the public interest

    • Central Banks

    • Insurance regulators

    • Corporate regulators

    • Professional Accountancy Organisations

    • Accountancy & Auditing Oversight Bodies

  2. National and international investors seeking to mitigate investment risk

  • International Finance and Development Agencies

  • International and National Investment Funds

  • Sovereign Wealth Funds; Family Offices

  • Investor Alliances and Groupings

  • Private Equity funds; Regional and global Philanthropists

  • Social Investors

  • Third Sector Investors

  • Regional, Continental and Global networks


Retail Services

(1) Regulated Entities and/or (2) Recipients of investments who directly engage GQR as a globally visible and credible inspection and rating service for the entity. 

  1. Regulated entities

    • External auditors

    • Banks

    • Insurance companies

    • Commercial companies

    • State-owned enterprises

    • Not for Profit entities

    • Public Institutions

  2. Recipients of investment

    • Public sector

    • State Owned Enterprises

    • Private sector

    • Not for Profit sector


Scope of our Inspection & Rating Services

The business functions and processes for which GQR offers an evaluated rating within any given entity

  • External Quality Assessment (EQA) of External Audit (watch the introductory video, above, to our external audit rating service).

    For the services below:

    • watch the video for our “retail clients” if you are interested in service for your entity.

    • Alternatively, watch the video for our “wholesale clients” if you are interested in GQR providing ratings services to a portfolio of entities for which you are a regulator or a portfolio investor.

    • For all services, kindly watch the “ratings” video to understand our common approach to ratings for all offerings.

  • EQA of Internal Audit

  • EQA and effectiveness review of the Audit Committee of a Board of Directors

  • EQA and effectiveness review of a Main Board of Directors

  • EQA of an Enterprise Risk Management Systems

  • EQA of Programme Impact Assessment.


Our Rating Structure

The 4Cs: Countries and Companies do not Compete, Cultures do!
— Dr Omodele Jones, Co-Founder & CEO of GQR

Rationale: It is not enough to “box tick” entity compliance to the letter of international standards.

21st century social science requires the assessment of the alignment of the dominant culture within entities with the spirit of international standards.

Further, the behaviour of individual entities is influenced by the dominant values, practices and axioms in the sector within which they operate in-country.

In addition, sector behaviour is influenced by the congruence or otherwise of competing cultures at the country-level.

A 21st century rating structure must provide insights into the influences at the micro (entity) level, sector (mezzanine) level and country (macro) level.

GQR’s 3 Letter Rating Structure

Letter 1 – reports on cultural influences at the country level

Letter 2 – reports on cultural and compliance influences at the sector level

Letter 3 – reports on cultural and compliance influences at the entity level

Download the High-Level system structure and processes of the GQR Rating System
