Our Rating Structure


GQR’s 3 Letter Rating Structure

How GQR evaluates the status of a client’s governance and/or audit capabilities. Watch our Ratings video.

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Scope of our Inspection & Rating Services



The business functions and processes for which GQR offers an evaluated rating within any given entity. Watch our video on our external audit service and learn of our other service offerings.

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Our Clients


Retail clients

1. Regulated entities

2. Recipients of investments

Watch our video on the range of governance & internal audit rating services offered to individual entities.

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Wholesale clients

1. Regulators serving the public interest

2. National and international investors seeking to mitigate investment risk

Watch our video on the range of services offered to support the supervisory work of sector regulators and portfolio investors.

Learn more

Contact GQR


Contact GQR

Engage with GQR and explore how this innovative service can assist your organisation to benchmark your governance and/or your audit quality.