Research. Capacity Building. Ratings.


Take a Quick Video Tour of GQR:

1. How our Ratings Work: click HERE.

2. Our Audit Quality Rating for Audit Firms: Click HERE.

3. Our Governance & Internal Audit Ratings for commercial, not-for-profit and public entities: Click HERE.

4. Our Ratings services to support the supervision of Regulators and Portfolio Investors: click HERE.

5. To view our journey to Certified Social Enterprise status, click HERE

6. To contact us and register your interest without obligation: click HERE.



"GQR" is deploying a multi-dimensional Auditor and "Governance Quality Rating" leveraging Artificial Intelligence/Big Data

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Why we EXIST

Market, regulatory and information failures in auditor quality and related governance outcomes have led to a global crisis of confidence in the audit function and corporate governance that is acute in emerging and frontier markets. Yet, these markets are, often, underserved by quality assurance services. GQR seeks to fill that gap, powered by advanced competitiveness research and the technology of the 4th Internet Revolution.

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Expected IMPACT

Potential clients are those responsible for corporate governance and internal & external audit activities in emerging and frontier markets. In Africa alone, these clients ultimately impact, directly or indirectly, the economic and social lives of over a billion people, too many of whom are currently living below US$5 PPP per capita per day.

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About GQRDOtCOm Limited

“GQR" is a private social enterprise, serving the global public interest, registered in England & Wales, with a focus on emerging and frontier markets

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IMF Global Innovation Challenge

GQR featured in the Long List of evaluated entries to this prestigious global Anti-Corruption Innovation Challenge in January 2020.

Learn more about the Challenge and view GQR’s entry HERE


World Economic Forum - Global Competitiveness Report

As part of GQR’s commitment to our social responsibility, we agreed, effective 2020, to be a “Partner Institute” of the World Economic Forum (WEF). We support its primary data collection of Business Executive Opinion in selected countries. This survey data is an important contributor to the WEF’s Flagship annual Global Competitiveness Report (GCR).

Learn more about the GCR HERE


Join our PILOT Programme

Apply now to benefit from our service to your organisation when you participate in our pilot service. Terms & Conditions apply.

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