
English Institute of Chartered Accountants issues guide to users in understanding audit opinions influenced by COVID 19

English Institute of Chartered Accountants issues guide to users in understanding audit opinions influenced by COVID 19

"...while COVID-19 will affect businesses in different ways and to different degrees, it is likely to have a significant impact on audit reports on company financial statements for the foreseeable future.

The FAQs below, created by the Audit and Assurance Faculty, are designed to help investors and other users of audit reports to better understand the different types of audit report wordings used by auditors, and their significance.

How might COVID-19 impact audit reports?

We expect to see more ‘modified’ audit opinions as a result of COVID-19. The possible types of audit opinions that auditors may give are explained below.

We also expect to see more ‘material uncertainties’ highlighted in audit reports in relation to going concern, and more ‘emphases of matter’. These do not, however, modify the audit opinion. These are also explained below.

For listed entities and other public interest entities, we are likely to see more ‘key audit matters’ (sometimes referred to as ‘KAM’) included by auditors... "

Nigeria Financial Reporting Council provides guidelines on the execution of External Audits in the context of COVID 19

Where the impact of Covid-19 is, in the auditor's professional judgment one of the most significant matters having an impact on the audit of the financial statements, including those which had the greatest effect on: the overall audit strategy; the allocation of resources in the audit; and directing the efforts of the engagement team, then the auditor considers reporting this as a key audit matter for entities mandated to report key audit matters.

"Given the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequential impacts on employees, mobility, the financial systems, and the economy, it is very likely that auditors may encounter scope limitations or complex auditing and accounting issues which may require audit teams to consider modifications to audit opinions.

"Audit firms' Quality leaders/engagement partners are encouraged to reach out to the Council if there are any matters, they would require the support or clarification of the Council," it stated..."

Coping with COVID's Threat to Audit Quality

Coping with COVID's Threat to Audit Quality

"...The ability of entities to obtain data essential to the preparation of financial statements is considerably affected, particularly for those with significant operations in countries severely affected by COVID-19. This will result in delays in receiving financial data from subsidiaries or components for group audits and will be further exacerbated as more and more audit firm employees shift to working remotely. In some countries, secondments from other jurisdictions – relied on by audit firms to meet demand in busy periods – have been curtailed.

In such testing times, auditors are looking to develop and leverage alternative procedures to audit clients’ financial statements. By harnessing available technology, they may be able to better fulfil their audit obligations, mandatory isolation notwithstanding..."