A Guide to the Audit Quality Management Standards issued by the IAASB in 2020
The Quality of a Board will be well judged by its Responsiveness to this COVID Crisis
The Quality of a Board will be well judged by its Responsiveness to this COVID Crisis
"... There will be many... key stakeholders to take into account...Regular communications and discussions with these stakeholders about emergency policies and actions will be critical...There is no single right way to do this, but many boards will establish a Covid-19 Crisis Committee. Responsibility for multiple and urgent day-to-day decisions can be delegated to the Covid-19 Crisis Committee [with] a clear written framework under which the Covid-19 Crisis Committee can make decisions, reverting to the board when decisions fall outside the framework.
In addition to the executive management, this is a time for the chair and non-executive directors to visibly assume and demonstrate governance leadership...For example, non-executive directors could engage with and report back to boards on the views of key stakeholders."
The Virus Does not Forgive Lapses in Disciplined Risk Based Analysis and Response
Coping with COVID's Threat to Audit Quality
Coping with COVID's Threat to Audit Quality
"...The ability of entities to obtain data essential to the preparation of financial statements is considerably affected, particularly for those with significant operations in countries severely affected by COVID-19. This will result in delays in receiving financial data from subsidiaries or components for group audits and will be further exacerbated as more and more audit firm employees shift to working remotely. In some countries, secondments from other jurisdictions – relied on by audit firms to meet demand in busy periods – have been curtailed.
In such testing times, auditors are looking to develop and leverage alternative procedures to audit clients’ financial statements. By harnessing available technology, they may be able to better fulfil their audit obligations, mandatory isolation notwithstanding..."