A Guide to the Audit Quality Management Standards issued by the IAASB in 2020
Shock Absorber or Shock Amplifier? Spotting Good Governance in Fair Times and in “Covidian” Systemic Stress…
Managers vs Leaders: the Limits to Board Effectiveness on Corporate Strategy?
An interesting short read on what makes a useful independent non-executive director. Thanks to Soula Proxenos for pointing out! It highlights the importance of the Board's contribution to #strategy: "...Effective Boards spend up to [12] days a year on strategy, compared with just [4] for low impact Boards which adds to the non-executive’s time commitment. These factors will result in the executive team genuinely valuing the contribution of the NEDs and being more willing to engage effectively with the Board..." I am not sure of the evidence base for "12 days". My experience tells me that, for Board contribution to strategy, #quality counts far more than quantity! The #boardofdirectors can give valuable shape and polish to a competent strategy process led by the executive. That requires visionary, principled and stakeholder-goal-congruent #leadership in the executive. Given an executive that is afflicted by " #managers" who can only administer and are absorbed with short term self-interest, the best Board in the world would be hard pressed to be effective!
the Profound Account of the Virus Hunter's Personal Battle with COVID
the Profound Account of the Virus Hunter's Personal Battle with COVID...After fighting viruses all over the world for more than 40 years, I have become an expert in infections. I’m glad I had corona and not Ebola, although I read a scientific study yesterday that concluded you have a 30% chance of dying if you end up in a British hospital with COVID-19. That’s about the same overall mortality rate as for Ebola in 2014 in West Africa...Many people think COVID-19 kills 1% of patients, and the rest get away with some flulike symptoms. But the story gets more complicated. Many people will be left with chronic kidney and heart problems...Let’s be clear: Without a coronavirus vaccine, we will never be able to live normally again...Today there’s also the paradox that some people who owe their lives to vaccines no longer want their children to be vaccinated. That could become a problem if we want to roll out a vaccine against the coronavirus..."